This page gives you some impression about the current state of my shack
(and its "environment"). Here is a view towards the table with
the Trx and other toys:
Here we have:
- the Icom IC-251A allmode transceiver in the foreground at the left side
- a power supply (4/6 A) for the 2m FM transceiver and the IC-251A with
the control unit for the antenna rotor in the background, left side
- another power supply (Maas SPS-9250) for the Icom 706MkIIG transceiver
- a Standard C8800 FM transceiver with a Yaesu FT-227R on top of it
- the HF/VHF/UHF all-mode transceiver IC-706MkIIG at the right side
My equipment is:
- an Icom IC-706MkIIG used currently for HF/VHF-SSB and 2m FM repeater operation
- AT-100Pro tuner by LDG Electronics
- an Icom IC-251A all-mode transceiver mainly used for SSB and FSK441 operation.
It can be connected to a power amplifier which results in approx. 50 W
HF and to a 5 element Yagi (DK7ZB design) mounted on a simple antenna rotor.
- a Standard C8800 FM transceiver which makes 1 or 10 W HF connected
to a triple leg antenna. This one is mainly used for local QSOs.
- another C8800 transceiver (not shown) intended for 2m, 1200 Bd packet
radio but I am not yet QRV here (I have the digipeaters DB0RUE and DB0WIM
(APRS) very close to my QTH).
- a Yaesu FT-227R 2m FM transceiver ...
- a Yeasu FT-817ND portable transceiver, this one is to become my
rig for /P operation...
Sometimes I go into my shack with the intention to make it up or to
do some handcrafting but when I switch on my rig to listen to
144.300 Mc or beacons and sometimes also to the local repeaters time is running very
fast and nothing is done finally ...
Nevertheless, I don't want to keep from you a picture from
the 'dark' side of my shack. It is a proof of a fundamental law in thermodynamics
that entropy if always growing
Recently, due to the closing of a electronic engineering company I had the opportunity to
acquire an electronic workbench. As this happened not so long ago the entropy had not yet any
real chance to grow...